Artis : Cokelat
Judul Lagu : Tanpa Rasa
Album : Single 2010

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Prev : Keong Racun
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Potong dan membuang lemak yang masih melekat pada daging sebelum diproses.
4. Rebus atau panggang
Daging diolah dengan direbus atau dipanggang daripada digoreng karena hanya akan menambah kadar lemak dan kolesterol. Jika Anda masih ingin untuk menggoreng daging, gunakan minyak zaitun yang telah terbukti sangat efektif dalam memerangi kolesterol.
5. Hapus minyak
Menghilangkan kelebihan minyak dan kalori dalam daging panggang menggunakan minyak jaringan.
6. Tahu batas
Mengurangi konsumsi daging, yaitu tidak lebih dari satu sepotong daging atau sekitar 85 gram daging merah seminggu.
Ternyata benar sangat mudah? Makan lemak yang rendah dan tidak mengandung lemak jenuh dapat membuat Anda usia 6 tahun terlihat lebih muda.
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Try to observe a vehicle that crossed the highway. Surely, your eyes are always hampered by Honda, either car or motorcycle. Brand vehicular traffic is crammed into dense, so that feasible nicknamed "king of the streets".
However, did you ever know, the founder of the "kingdom" Honda - Soichiro Honda - covered failure. He also holds an engineering degree, especially Professor. He was not a brilliant student who has a brain. In class, his seat was never in front, always away from the view of teachers. "Bad my grades in school. But I'm not sad, because my world around machinery, motorcycles and bicycles, "said this leader, who died at the age of 84 years, after being treated at Juntendo Hospital, Tokyo, due to mengindap lever. We pioneered the business Soichiro Honda was always filled with failure. He had fallen ill, ran out of money, expelled from college. But he then had a dream and dream ...
Love of machines, probably 'inherited' from his father who opened the farm repair shop, in the hamlet of Kamyo, Shizuko district, Central Japan, the birthplace of Soichiro Honda. In the garage, his father gave cathut (older brother) to remove the nail. He also often played in place of rice mills saw a diesel engine propulsion motors. There, a man born 17 November 1906, it can remain silent for hours. At the age of 8 years old, she pedaled as far as 10 miles, just want to watch airplanes.
Apparently, his interest in the machine, not in vain. When he was 12 years, Honda managed to create a model bicycle pancal with foot brake. But, his mind does not dream of becoming the automotive business travelers. He realized from poor families. Moreover, physically weak, not handsome, to make them inferior.
At the age of 15 years, the Honda fled to Japan, working Hart Shokai Company. His boss, Saka Kibara, very pleased to see how it works. Honda's thorough and efficient in a matter of machinery. Every sound suspicious, any leaking oil, not escaped his notice. Six years of working there, "adds his insights about the machinery. Finally, at the age of 21 years, her boss suggested opening a branch office in Hamamatsu. This offer can not be rejected.
In Hamamatsu keep improving their performance. He always received a repair shop that was rejected by another. It acts quickly to fix the car too so that customers running again. Therefore, the hours late at night, and sometimes until dawn. The brain remains a creative genius. In those days, the radius of a car made of wood, up to no good damping shocks. He got the idea to replace it with a trellis-metal trellis. The result is extraordinary. Metal trellis trellis-seller, and exported worldwide. At age 30, Honda signed a patent to the first.
After creating a trellis, Honda wants to break away from his boss, makes his own garage business. He started thinking, what is selected specialist? Her mind is set on the creation Pinston Ring, which is produced by his own machine shop in 1938. Unfortunately, his work was rejected by Toyota, it is considered not meet the standards. Homemade ring is not flexible, and will not sell. He remembered his friends reaction to the failure. They deplored himself out of the garage.
Lectures for this failure, Honda fell ill seriously enough. Two months later, his health restored. He again led the workshop. But Ring Pinston about it, yet also has a solution. By looking for answers, she went to college again to add his knowledge of machinery. At noon, after school - the morning, he was immediately into the garage, practicing the newly acquired knowledge. After two years as a student, he was eventually expelled for rarely attending the class.
"I feel like dying, because when the hungry are not fed, but crammed with long-winded explanation about the food laws and their effects," said Honda, a crazy race car. To the president, he explained he meant not seeking college diploma. But knowledge. This explanation is actually considered an insult.
Thanks to hard work, his Pinston Ring design is accepted. Toyota Party to give the contract, so that Honda wants to build a factory. Uh, unfortunately, the intention has failed. Japan, for ready to war, did not provide funding. He was desperate not to collect capital from a group of individuals to establish a factory. Again disaster coming. After the war broke out, the factory burned twice.
However, Honda is not discouraged. He was rushed to collect their employees. They were ordered to take the remaining cans of benzene was thrown by the United States ship, used as materials to build the plant. Unexpectedly, a erupts earthquake destroyed the factory, so it was decided to sell the plant to the Toyota Pinstonnya Ring. After that, Honda tried several other businesses. Unfortunately all of them failed.
Finally, in 1947, after Japan's wartime shortages of gasoline. Here the Japanese economy in ruins. So much so that Honda can not sell his car to buy food for his family. In circumstances of urgency, he installed a small motor on a bicycle. Who would have thought, "motorcycle" - the forerunner to the birth of Honda cars - were enthused by the neighbors. They flocked to order, so that Honda ran out of stock.
Here, the Honda motorcycle factory re-established. Since then, success is never out of hand. The following Honda Motor mobinya, became "king" of the streets of the world, including Indonesia. Soichiro Honda said, do not see success in the automotive industry wrestle. But look at the failures they experienced. "People see my success is only one percent. But, they do not see my 99% failure ", he said. He gives advice when you experience failure, which began to dream a new dream mimpikanlah and try to turn that dream into reality.
Honda this story, is an example that the critical success could be achieved by someone with a minimum investment, not smart at school, or come from poor families. So why should we despair contemplating the fate of distress and failure. Stay strong and keep trying, look at Honda's "King" street.
5 Recipes success of Honda:
1. Always ambitious and youthful.
2. Respect sound theory, discover new ideas, dedicated time to improve production.
3. Senangilah your job and try to make your working conditions as comfortable as possible.
4. Look for a smooth working rhythm and harmony.
5. Always remember the importance of research and collaboration.
Keong Racun mp3 dangdut singer named Lissa, has now purchased the latest news and arrangements by Charlie ST12 which is famous for its typical wilt. With Princess and took Penelope, songs keong racun have now been arranged into a pop tune that a little interesting but did not leave the impression nyeleneh and mischievous of the song.
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Download Keong Racun Dangdut Version Here
Download Keong Racun Pop Version Here
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Azis Gagap - Putus Lagi

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Download lagu Azis Gagap - Putus Lagi mp3 hanya untuk review saja. Belilah VCD dan Kaset Kotak Original dan Pasang RBT Kotak Selalu Cinta agar mereka akan terus berkarya di Indonesia.
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Kotak - Selalu Cinta.mp3
Kini banyak grup band baik dari dalam negeri Indonesia maupun mancanegara bermunculan dengan ciri lagu mereka yang menawarkan berbagai macam aliran jenis musik. Tidak ketinggalan berbagai macam situs penyedia Mp3 akan selalu up to date memberikan musik mp3 kepada pencinta musik tanah tanah air.
Dan di tahun 2010 ini, grup band seperti The Virgin mengeluarkan single lagu terbaru mereka yang diberi judul The Virgin - Love Setengah Mati, ada juga grup band Tipe X dengan judul lagunya Tipe X - Saat Saat Menyebalkan
Artis-artis yang notabene bukan seorang penanyi pun ikut untuk mengeluarkan single lagu mp3 mereka seperti Sule, yang lagunya berjudul Sule - Susis (Suami Sieun Istri).
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kau bertanya, aku menjawab
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kusayangi kamu....
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kumendekat,kamu menghindar
separah inikah, kamu dan aku
bagaimana bisa, aku tak ada di setiap mu melihat
sementara ku ada..
bagaimana bisa, kamu lupakan yang tak mungkin dilupakan
aku selalu cinta, selalu cinta....
tapi kamu tidak...
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semua hilang, yang tak kukira
jangan tanya lagi..tanya mengapa
Nah, perhatikan baik-baik liriknya ya. Silakan rasakan, resapi, tapi
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CINTA' - Sebentar lagi bakal nyamperin kuping kamu-kamu semua. Tunggu
Download lagu Kotak - Selalu Cinta mp3 hanya untuk review saja. Belilah VCD dan Kaset Kotak Original dan Pasang RBT Kotak Selalu Cinta agar mereka akan terus berkarya di Indonesia.
Prev Song :
Tipe X - Saat Saat Menyebalkan

On their latest album (Festival Perasaan), Tipe X relies on a song called Saat-Saat Menyebalkan. Without many words, here I provide the download link Tipe X - Saat Saat Menyebalkan.mp3
Download Tipe X - Saat-Saat Menyebalkan songs just for review.
Buy the original cassette or CD of his original from the album or use a personal tone to the They can still work.
Tipe X - Saat Saat Menyebalkan
Download Here
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The Virgin - Love Setengah Mati
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Kotak - Selalu Cinta

After so long existed with two singles mainstay, Cinta Terlarang and Belahan Jiwa, The Virgin is now back with new single, Love Setengah Mati. According to its title, this song talks about love someone who is very large even though the person is not there at his side.
Download The Virgin Love Setengah Mati songs just for review.
Download Here
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Sule - Susis
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Tipe X - Saat Saat Menyebalkan
Free Download Sule-Susis mp3
Sule-Susis (suami sieun istri).mp3Free Download mp3 songs from artists, bands, musicians Sule - Susis mp3 just for review. Buy original CDs of the albums and the use of personal connection tone RBT, RBT, I-RING Sule - Susis Love so that they can still work with other new songs and albums.
Download here
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Andra - Jalanmu Bukan Jalanku
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The Virgin - Love Setengah Mati

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Untuk mendownload Lagu Andra - Jalanmu Bukan Jalanku klik di bawah ini :
Intro: D A/C# Bm A/C# (2x)
D A/C# Bm A/C#
Tak Bisakah Kau Lihat Diriku
D A/C# Bm A/C#
Tak Cukupkah Bahasa Tubuhku
Bm A E/G# G
Katakan Padamu
Bm A E/G# G
Bahwa Ku Telah Bosan
D A/C# Bm A/C#
Tak Bisakah Kau Baca Hatiku
D A/C# Bm A/C#
Bahwa Diriku Tak Mengingikanmu Lagi
Bm A E/G# G
Katakan Padamu
Bm A E/G# G
Bahwa Ku Tak Tahan
Kini Ku Tak Mampu Lagi
Tuk Ikuti Caramu
Hanya Membuatku Sakit Hati
Kini Ku Tak Mau Lagi
Jalanmu Bukan Jalanku
Dan Kau Telah Memilih
Kau Telah Memilih
Bridge :
A Bm
Tak Mudah Bagiku Untuk
Meninggalkan Dirimu
A Bm
Tapi Ku Tak Tahan Lagi
G Gm
Denganmu oh Denganmu
Solo : D A Em G (2x)
Back To Reff : (2x)
Outro : D A/C# Bm A/C# D
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Sule - Susis
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2. Megaupload
:::T.R.I.A.D = The Rock Indonesia Ahmad Dhani::: (FULL ALBUM)
Naff adalah band yang digawangi oleh empat anak Bandung dan terbentuk tahun 1998. Adalah Rustaedi Makmun (Ady) vokalis dan pencipta semua lagu yang menggagas terbentuknya Naff. Ady yang kuliah di Fakultas Seni Musik Universitas Pakuan Bandung mengajak Asep Supriatna Wijaya (Odeu), Mahasiswa Nice School of Graphic Design Bandung, yang main bas Andre Kurniawan H. (Ade) mahasiswa Akademi Akuntansi Bandung, yang awalnya main drum, tapi di album kedua menjadi gitaris. Mereka sepakat untuk merekam demo lagu-lagu mereka di sebuah studio di Bandung (namanya Kanamusik Studio –red) dan kebetulan pemiliknya adalah Dedi Ginanjar Raksawardana (Dedi) –jebolan Associate Degree dan Diploma 95 Wake Tecnical College National Radio Institute, North Carolina yang akhirnya bergabung menjadi gitaris.
Nama Rusyaedi Makmun (Ady)
Ttl: Ujung Pandang, 28 Juli 1974
Posisi: Vokalis
Nama: Dedi Rakswardana (Dedi)
Ttl: Pekanbaru, 28 Agustus 1968
Posisi: Gitar, Sound Engineer
Nama: Andre Kurniawan H.(Ade)
Ttl: Bandung, 23 Desember 1975
Posisi: Gitar
Nama: Odeu Wijaya (Odeu)
Ttl: Bandung, 10 Juli 1974
Posisi: Bass
Nama: Hilal Hamzah (Hilal)
Ttl: Bandung, 26 Januari 1979
Posisi: Drum
Yuppz....baru-baru ini produk minuman ini menggandeng beberapa musisi salah satunya Ello untuk membawakan jingle baru produk ini.
Dengan lantunan musik yang menarik, jingle ini berhasil masuk ke jajaran top tangga lagu di Indonesia. Silahkan download lagu ini melalui link di bawah ini :
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