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Norton AntiVirus blocks viruses and spyware with advanced protection. It helps protect your entire computer by stopping viruses, spyware, and other security risks. Norton AntiVirus works in the background so you can surf the Internet, read the news, play games, and download software or music without disruption. It also scans and cleans all email and instant messaging (IM) attachments, preventing you from receiving viruses, or spreading them to others. With set-it and forget-it functionality, Norton AntiVirus checks for updates continuously and automatically blocks new and emerging threats from getting on your system. In addition to protection updates, Norton AntiVirus provides new product features as available throughout your service subscription.
Key Technologies:
Anti Virus
Anti Spyware
Bot protection
Norton Pulse Updates
Anti Rootkit
NEW! Norton? Insight Network
NEW! Norton Download Insight
NEW! Norton File Insight
NEW! Norton Threat Insight
Vulnerability Protection
NEW! SONAR? 2 behavioral protection
NEW! Norton System Insight
Download Link :
Avast! Antivirus Pro Internet Security 5.0.418 Final
avast! antivirus software provides complete virus protection for your computer.
Key technologies:
Improved Antivirus and anti-spyware engine
New avast! Sandbox
New Silent Firewall
New Antispam
NewBehavior Shield
New avast! Intelligent Scanner
New Silent/Gaming Mode
Real time anti-rootkit protection
avast! Community IQ
Behavioral Honeypots
Smart virus updates
Green computing
avast! iTrack
File System / Mail Shield
Web Shield
IM / P2P Shield
Network Shield
Script Shield
Download Link :
Protects your computer against dangerous viruses, worms, Trojans and costly dialers. New: Basic Anti-Spyware.
AntiVir stops all types of viruses
AntiAd/Spyware eliminates ad/spyware
AntiPhishing proactive protection against phising
EmailScanner enhanced email protection
WebGuard protection against malicious websites
Download Link:
Penambahan database 100 virus baru
Virus (atau lebih tepatnya Malware) yang banyak menyebar di Indonesia saat ini kebanyakan adalah virus buatan luar negeri yang sifatnya masih mirip dengan virus lokal. Virus-virus inilah yang menjadi target-target Smadav versi terbaru ini. Virus lokal sendiri saat ini sudah mulai menurun penyebarannya dan sangat jarang ditemukan. Ini kami simpulkan dari sampel-sampel virus yang di-upload oleh Smadaver di
Smadav Virus Scanner Engine (SmadEngine.dll)
Engine lama Smadav yang telah digunakan sejak 2006 tidak digunakan lagi sejak Smadav 2010 Rev. 8.1 ini. Perombakan ulang Virus Scanner Engine inilah yang membuat rilis Smadav tertunda sebulan lebih. Engine terbaru ini benar-benar ditulis ulang dari nol menggunakan bahasa pemrograman C++ dengan menyempurnakan engine sebelumnya yang masih ditulis dengan Visual Basic. Sebagian besar teknik pendeteksian virus yang ada di engine baru ini telah dirubah dan disempurnakan menjadi lebih baik. Penggunaan memori di engine baru lebih stabil dan efisien dibandingkan engine lama, begitu pula kecepatan scanning yang juga menjadi lebih cepat.
Kompatibel di Windows Vista & 7
Pada Rev. 8 dan rev-rev sebelumnya Smadav memang masih belum kompatibel 100% di Windows Vista dan Windows 7. Tapi di Rev. 8.1 ini Smadav baik scanner maupun protector-nya sudah mendukung dan kompatibel 100% untuk digunakan di Windows Vista dan Windows 7.
Berikut ini adalah daftar lengkap penyempurnaan Smadav 2010 Rev. 8.1 :
- Engine scanner baru (SmadEngine.dll) untuk mendeteksi virus lebih cepat dan akurat.
- External Database (Smadav.loov) untuk memudahkan update database untuk Revisi berikutnya.
- Plug-in klik kanan di explorer terbaru (SmadExtc.dll) yang lebih baik.
- Kompatibel di Windows Vista & 7.
- Pendeteksian beberapa Virus Internasional yang banyak menyebar di Indonesia (Sality & Alman) sudah lebih cepat dan akurat.
- Penambahan database lebih dari 100 virus baru beserta varian-variannya
- Perbaikan false alarm pada beberapa file.
- Penyempurnaan metode blacklist key ilegal Smadav Pro
- Perubahan struktur tim Smadav untuk tahun 2010
- Penambahan menu uninstall di Tray Icon untuk memudahkan proses uninstall
- Dan banyak penyempurnaan lainnya …
Klik Di Sini Untuk Mendownload

No other programs like Xilisoft Video Converter supports so comprehensive video formats including AVI, MPEG, WMV, DivX, MP4, H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, RM, MOV, XviD, 3GP, FLV, VOB (the video format used in DVD), DAT (the video format used in VCD, SVCD), etc. In addition, the video converter provides an easy way to convert video file to popular audio file, like MP2, MP3, WMA, WAV, RA, M4A, AAC, AC3, OGG, etc. The video converter also supports APE, CUE decoding and audio CD ripping. Xilisoft Video Converter supports popular multimedia devices such as PSP, iPod, iPhone, Archos, mobile phone, Zune, etc. All conversions, such as AVI to MPEG, WMV to MPEG, WMV to AVI, MKV to AVI, MKV to MPEG, are very easy and fast with the best quality.
Main Functions:
Act as 3GP Video Converter, iPod Video Converter, PSP Video Converter, Zune Video Converter, AVI MPEG Converter, MP4 Video Converter, MOV Converter, MKV to MPEG converter, etc.;
Convert between all popular video formats including AVI, MPEG, WMV, DivX, MP4, H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, RM, MOV, XviD, 3GP, FLV, help you on how to convert AVI to MPEG, convert MKV to AVI, convert MKV to MPEG;
Convert videos to popular audio files, including MP2, MP3, WMA, WAV, RA, M4A, AAC, AC3, and OGG, and convert between these audio formats;
Extract pictures from video and output them as JPG, PNG, GIF, BMP, SWF;
Convert pictures to video formats like AVI, FLV, SWF, MOV, 3GP, WMV, etc.
Key Features:
Powerful video effect editing functions to customize your video: crop video size, edit video effects, and add video watermark; (Ultimate only)
Support the decoding and encoding of lossless audio; (Ultimate only)
Preview and compare the source video and fixed video; (Ultimate only)
Merge several video segments to one for conversion; (Ultimate and Platinum only)
Clip segments from video and audio, and output them respectively or merge them into one for output; (Ultimate and Platinum only)
Preview clipped video segment; (Ultimate and Platinum only)
More optimized and classified profiles are supported now, and any profile can be customized to create your own one with your favorite settings;
Customize the output file size and auto-calculate corresponding video bit rate;
Multiple output formats can be set for one original to facilitate your conversion;
Convert videos to compatible formats to work on PSP, PS3, iPod, iPhone, Apple TV, Zune, Archos, blackberry, iRiver PMP, Creative Zen, etc.;
It supports H.264/AVC video format, PSP H.264/MPEG-4 AVC encoding/decoding, PSP H.264/AVC Video (480x272) (*.mp4);
It provides batch conversion and multithreading, thus you can select multiple files at one time to have them convert one by one automatically;
You can convert any clip or segment of the video at will by setting the start point and duration, and split one source file to several by duration or file size;
video codec and audio codec can be modified: alternatively select video codec such as MPEG4, DVvideo, Mjpeg, etc. for AVI, H263, and MPEG4 for 3GP, as well as audio codec like PCM, MP2, MP3, MPEGAAC, AC3, etc.
When converting files, you can pause, stop and continue at any moment;
You can keep the default settings or set parameters of the video and audio by yourself to get particular effects for output file.
Change Log:
* Clip segments from video and audio, and output them respectively or merge them into one;
* Video editing functions added: crop video size, add watermark, and adjust effects;
* Preview clipped segment and fixed video, and even preview source video and fixed video for comparison;
* Multiple profiles can be set for one original to convert, and more optimized profiles are offered for PSP and other digital devices;
* Capture picture from video and create video from pictures;
* A Bitrate Calculator is available for you to customize the output file size exactly.
Download Link Here:
Fine Tune your Windows system settings with TuneUp Utilities. TuneUp Utilities optimizes the performance of your Windows computer, solves problems and helps you to customize your system. Keep your PC in top shape: With only one click, you maintain your computer and provide more stability, Disable unneeded processes and concentrate all the PC processing power on your active program, Give your Windows a new look: cool new boot screens, icons, and animations, Get the maximum from your PC and experience top speed for your work and games.
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Untuk mendownload Lagu Andra - Jalanmu Bukan Jalanku klik di bawah ini :
Intro: D A/C# Bm A/C# (2x)
D A/C# Bm A/C#
Tak Bisakah Kau Lihat Diriku
D A/C# Bm A/C#
Tak Cukupkah Bahasa Tubuhku
Bm A E/G# G
Katakan Padamu
Bm A E/G# G
Bahwa Ku Telah Bosan
D A/C# Bm A/C#
Tak Bisakah Kau Baca Hatiku
D A/C# Bm A/C#
Bahwa Diriku Tak Mengingikanmu Lagi
Bm A E/G# G
Katakan Padamu
Bm A E/G# G
Bahwa Ku Tak Tahan
Kini Ku Tak Mampu Lagi
Tuk Ikuti Caramu
Hanya Membuatku Sakit Hati
Kini Ku Tak Mau Lagi
Jalanmu Bukan Jalanku
Dan Kau Telah Memilih
Kau Telah Memilih
Bridge :
A Bm
Tak Mudah Bagiku Untuk
Meninggalkan Dirimu
A Bm
Tapi Ku Tak Tahan Lagi
G Gm
Denganmu oh Denganmu
Solo : D A Em G (2x)
Back To Reff : (2x)
Outro : D A/C# Bm A/C# D
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